PPMS user account creation form
PPMS accounts on this system are used by the following facilities: IRR Systems overseen by IRR Lab Management (IRRLabs), IRR Single Cell Facility (IRRSingleC), IRR North Tissue Culture Facility (SCRMTC), IRR Imaging Core Facility (IRR_IMG), IRR SURF Histology and Histological Imaging (SURFHIST), Clinical Mass Spectrometry Core (CRFMSCore), IRR Biomolecular & Assay Core (IRRBIOMOL), CVS Core Equipment (CVSCore), Image Analysis Core (IA_Core), Zebrafish Imaging Facility (CB_ZIF), IRR South Tissue Culture (IRRsouthTC), QMRI Imaging (QMRIIMG), IRR Flow Cytometry Facility (IRRFLOW), Image Analysis, Multiphoton and Confocal Technologies (IMPACT), IRR SURF Molecular Histology (SURFIMMUNO), IRR Entry Point (DO NOT USE) (IRR_ENTRY).
If you have a PPMS account that does not work anymore or may have been deactivated, please do NOT fill out this form, please contact an administrator for assistance: IRRFLOW facility, email:irrflow@ed.ac.uk.
If you do not remember your password, you can follow these instructions.
Please choose one of the following options:
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