PPMS user account creation form
PPMS accounts on this system are used by the following facilities: NHLI Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy (FILM), Life Sciences Centre for Structural Biology (CSB), Life Sciences Flow Cytometry SAF Building (FLOW_SAFB), Bioengineering Facilities (BIOENG), Chemistry Facilities (CHEMISTRY), Flow Cytometry Facility (VPD building, Hammersmith campus) (FLOW), Materials Electron Microscopy Facility (MAT_EM), Mechanical Engineering Facilities (MECHENG), Materials Facilities (MATERIALS), Engineering Core Facilities (FoE), Physics Facilities (PHYSICS), Infectious Disease Facilities (INFECDIS), London Cryo Electron Microscopy (LON_CEM), Life Sciences Facilities at South Kensington (SK) (DoLS_SK), Life Sciences Facilities at Silwood Park (SP) (DoLS_SP), Materials Facilities Royce (MAT_ROYCE), The Hamlyn Centre (HAMLYN), Chemical Engineering (ChemEng), The Department of Metabolism Digestion and Reproduction (MDR), The National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI_All), The Department of Immunology and Inflammation (Doll), The Department of Brain Sciences (DoBS), The Department of Surgery and Cancer (SC), Data Observatory (DO), Dyson School of Design Engineering (DSDE).
If you have a PPMS account that does not work anymore or may have been deactivated, please do NOT fill out this form, please contact an administrator for assistance: HAMLYN facility, email:hamfacil@imperial.ac.uk, phone:020 7594 2458.
If you do not remember your password, you can follow these instructions.
Please choose one of the following options:
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