PPMS user account creation form
PPMS accounts on this system are used by the following facilities: LabTek (LabTek), KBM-Matpiloten (Matpilot), KBM-PEPKjemi (PEPKjemi), KBM-Matvitenskap (Matviten), Realtek - Biofysikk (Biofysikk), VET-Mattoksikologi (Mattoks), VET-Farmakologi (Farmakolog), VET-Ernæring og Helse (Ernaering), VET-Miljøtoksikologi (Miljotoks), Realtek - Bildelab (Bildelab), VET-Histologi (Histologi), Trelaboratoriet (Trelab), KBM-Bioraffineriet (Bioraff), KBM-Kjemi (Kjemi), KBM-Molekylærbiologi (Molekyl), Isotoplaboratoriet (Isotoplab), Sørhellinga - Zoologi (Zoologi), Sørhellinga - Botanikk (Botanikk), MINA Feltutstyr (Feltutstyr), Jordbiologi (Jordbiolog), Hydrohuset (Hydrohuset), VET-Immunologi (Immunologi), Uorganisk Analyse (Uorganisk), VET - Morfologi (Morfologi), Biovit - Fruktlab (Fruktlab), Realtek - Verksted (Verksted), Realtek - Biospec (Biospec), Realtek - Vann- og miljøteknikk (VannMiljo), Biovit - Plantecellelab (PCL), KBM-Dyrestall (Dyrestall), Biovit - Cigene (Cigene).
If you have a PPMS account that does not work anymore or may have been deactivated, please do NOT fill out this form, please contact an administrator for assistance: Kjemi facility.
If you do not remember your password, you can follow these instructions.
Please choose one of the following options:
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