PPMS user account creation form

PPMS accounts on this system are used by the following facilities: Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre (nmRC), Materials Engineering (MatEng), School of Chemistry NMR Facility (NMR), University of Nottingham Biodiscovery Institute (BDI), School of Pharmacy (Pharmacy), School of Chemistry (SoC), Transportation Engineering Centre (NTEC), Flow Cytometry Facility (FCF), Rolls-Royce UTC in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology (RRUTC), Deep Seq: Next Generation Sequencing Facility (DeepSeq), School of Life Sciences, Sport and Exercise Science (SES), Biomedical Research Laboratories at QMC (BRL), Jubilee Campus Sub area (JCsub).

If you have a PPMS account that does not work anymore or may have been deactivated, please do NOT fill out this form, please contact an administrator for assistance: nmRC facility, email:nmrcenquiries@nottingham.ac.uk.
If you do not remember your password, you can follow these instructions.

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PPMS release 19767 (aec9)