PPMS user account creation form
PPMS accounts on this system are used by the following facilities: PBI (Imagopole) (PBI), Ultrastructural BioImaging (UBI), Plate-Forme de Biophysique des Macromolécules et de leurs Interactions (PFBMI), Single Cell Biomarkers UTechS (scBiomark), Cristallogenèse et Diffraction des Rayons X (PF6), Centre d'enseignement (Cours), Biomics (Omics), FACS RIV-DTL (RIV-DTL), Biomaterials and Microfluidics (BMCF), Plateforme de Criblage Chémogénomique et Biologique (PFCCB), Image Analysis Hub (IAH), Fab Lab Institut Pasteur (FLIP), Shared Equipments (SharedEQ), NanoImaging Core Facility (NCF), Hearing Institut Bioimaging / BioImagerie de l’Institut de l’Audition (BIIdA), Hearing Institut Animal and Auditory Phenotyping (APheIdA), Production and purification of recombinant proteins technological PF (PF3PR), Research protocol submission (SPR), Metabolomics Core Facility (MCF), Mass Spectrometry for Biology (MSBio), Human Disease Models (HDM), Central Animal Facility (CAF), HistoPathology Core Facility (HistoPath), Center for the Production and Infection of Anopheles (Cepia), Flow Cytometry Platform (Cytometry), Antibody Engineering Platform (PFIA).
If you have a PPMS account that does not work anymore or may have been deactivated, please do NOT fill out this form, please contact an administrator for assistance: UBI facility, email:ubi.all@pasteur.fr, phone:0145688573.
If you do not remember your password, you can follow these instructions.
Please choose one of the following options:
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